Thursday, July 29, 2004




A 20 de Agosto de 1504 (data em que se comemora o feriado municipal), D. Manuel I concedeu o Foral à Vila de Albufeira.

O violento terramoto de 1755 destruiu a quase totalidade da vila, tendo sido invadida pelo mar, com ondas de 10 metros de altura. A reconstrução levou anos e Albufeira começou a recuperar de tamanha tragédia.

A partir de meados do século XIX verificou-se um importante impulso da economia graças à actividade piscatória.

Nas primeiras décadas do século XX registou-se um aumento acentuado da exportação de peixe e de frutos secos. A vila tinha, então, cinco fábricas que empregavam 700 a 800 pessoas, sobretudo mulheres de pescadores.


During the reign of D. Manuel I, the town had already regained its former importance as this monarch granted the town its charter on August 20th 1504.

Albufeira was one of the cities in the Algarve severely hit by natural disasters. Earthquakes were responsible for most of the damage. The sea overwhelmed the town with 10 meter waves, destroying almost all buildings.

An increase in economic growth was felt by the mid- 19th century as a result of growing fishing activities.

During the early decades of the 20th century, a sudden rise in the exportation of fish and dried fruits was noted. The town then had five factories which employed 700 to 800 workers, mainly the wives of fishermen.


At 12:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albufeira really looks lovely. I am pleased to visit the city in September.


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