Friday, October 01, 2004



28 football games, 25 volleyball games, almost 35 tennis matches, 45 golf participants; 15 football teams, 14 volleyball teams; a total of almost 580 participants, coming from 9 countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands and Portugal); this is a “minimalist” résumé of the 2004 MAZARIADES.

Further, it was a good mood weekend, of confraternization between people from different origins, languages and cultures, strengthening the cohesion ties within a professional group with an European vocation.

Teresa FonsecaThis is the hour to the “small organizing committee” constituted by Jacques dos Santos, Leonel Vicente and Teresa Fonseca to express his thanks: first of all, to the 580 participants; particularly to the ones that send us greetings messages that leave us very flattered; but also to an enlarged team(a total of 35 “members of the organization team”!) which – being present at the right time – has decisively contributed to the concretisation of this big event:

- Diogo Carneiro, David Delgado, Carla Pereira and Christophe (CLUB MED) – for their cooperation and support, without whom it would have been impossible to carry this enterprise to a good end!

- Alexandra Catapirra, Ana Francisco, Dário Sousa, Deolinda Coelho, Isabel Dias, João Lopes, Patrícia Cardoso, Patrícia Elias, Sandra Esteves, Sofia Pires and Sónia Almeida – for their excellent job in the reception to the different delegations that visited us.

- Alexandre Miguel, Ângelo Dias, Carlos Rodrigues and Paulo Pereira – for the administrative support at the football games.

- Cátia Pedrinho – responsible for the conception and preparation of the diplomas delivered to the winners and runners up.

- Vitor Rocha, Fernando Santos, Manuel Diogo, Barros and Álvaro Morais – bus drivers, for their permanent availability.

- Muriel Bachelier and Lucy Thiébaut – MAZARS - Paris Communication Department responsibles, for their important support.

- Bruno Hermitte, Sandrine Hermitte, Christophe Pommier and Olivier Ronot – responsibles for the preparation of the MAZARIADES film.

- "last but not least", Jos van Huut – that honoured us with is presence and warm presentation.

The 2004 MAZARIADES are ended; long life to the 2005 MAZARIADES! We hope to see each other at Berlin, in 2005. See you!

P. S. This page also arrives to the end, but it will last online as a memory of this magnificent experience.


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