Saturday, July 31, 2004


Club Med Da Balaia



Friday, July 30, 2004


Club Med Da Balaia



De 1930 a 1960 registaram-se tempos de decadência, as armações de pesca arruinaram-se, as fábricas fecharam, as embarcações desapareceram e muitas casas foram abandonadas. A população ficou reduzida a metade e a pesca tornou-se novamente numa actividade de subsistência.

No início da década de 60, assistiu-se ao nascimento do fenómeno turístico, começando Albufeira por ser procurada por turistas nacionais; mas seria sobretudo com os ingleses que prosperou.

Na década de 80, verificou-se um enorme surto urbanístico, tendo a cidade crescido para nascente, com um grande desenvolvimento da actividade turística, vital para a economia da região.


The period from 1930 to 1960 was a time of decay during which fishing equipment fell into disrepair, factories closed, fishing boats fell into disuse and many homes were abandoned. The population was cut by half and fishing again became a subsistence activity.

In the beginning of the 1960s a phenomenon emerged in local tourism - the Algarve became popular among Portuguese tourists - but it was mainly due to British tourists that this industry thrived.

The 1980s saw sudden growth in urban construction. The city now started growing towards the east, with a strongest tourism development, vital to the region economy.

(Via C. M. Albufeira)

Mapa Albufeira

Thursday, July 29, 2004




A 20 de Agosto de 1504 (data em que se comemora o feriado municipal), D. Manuel I concedeu o Foral à Vila de Albufeira.

O violento terramoto de 1755 destruiu a quase totalidade da vila, tendo sido invadida pelo mar, com ondas de 10 metros de altura. A reconstrução levou anos e Albufeira começou a recuperar de tamanha tragédia.

A partir de meados do século XIX verificou-se um importante impulso da economia graças à actividade piscatória.

Nas primeiras décadas do século XX registou-se um aumento acentuado da exportação de peixe e de frutos secos. A vila tinha, então, cinco fábricas que empregavam 700 a 800 pessoas, sobretudo mulheres de pescadores.


During the reign of D. Manuel I, the town had already regained its former importance as this monarch granted the town its charter on August 20th 1504.

Albufeira was one of the cities in the Algarve severely hit by natural disasters. Earthquakes were responsible for most of the damage. The sea overwhelmed the town with 10 meter waves, destroying almost all buildings.

An increase in economic growth was felt by the mid- 19th century as a result of growing fishing activities.

During the early decades of the 20th century, a sudden rise in the exportation of fish and dried fruits was noted. The town then had five factories which employed 700 to 800 workers, mainly the wives of fishermen.


Rossio - Lisboa

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Pont Vasco da Gama / Vasco da Gama Bridge



Os árabes construíram sólidas fortificações defensivas, o que faria com que Albufeira fosse uma das praças que os árabes conservaram por mais tempo em seu poder. Desenvolveram de forma muito relevante a agricultura, com a introdução de novas técnicas (charruas, noras para elevação de água dos poços, novos sistemas de irrigação, por via de açudes e levadas, uso de adubos) e de novas culturas.

Quando D.Afonso III ocupou o trono, parte do Algarve tinha já sido tomado pelos cristãos. Templários e Hospitalários, ordens militares que auxiliaram na Reconquista, salteavam frequentemente as terras que ainda estavam sob domínio Árabe, mas detinham-se sempre diante das fortes muralhas de Albufeira.

Apenas depois da tomada de Faro é que a situação de Albufeira se tornou insustentável. Cercada de inimigos por todos os lados, a praça caiu em poder de D.Afonso III, que logo a doou à Ordem de Aviz.


The Arabs built solid defense fortifications, rendering the settlement almost impregnable - one of the reasons why the Arabs managed to keep Albufeira in their power for a longer time.

The development of agriculture was notable as new techniques and plant species were introduced. The Arabs introduced the plough as well as watermills to bring water up from wells. They also introduced new irrigation methods namely the construction of dams and dikes, thus transforming barren zones into cultivated areas and orchards.

When D. Afonso III took the throne, part of the Algarve had already fallen into the hands of the Christians. The "knights Templar" and the "Knights Hospitallers", military orders which helped retake the area, would frequently raid the land which was still under Arab domain, but they would always be thrown back at the fortified walls of Albufeira. Only following the conquest of Faro did the situation at Albufeira become unbearable. Surrounded by enemies on all sides, it was finally overrun by D. Afonso III who immediately donated it to the Order of Aviz.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004




Embora não sejam exactamente conhecidas as origens de Albufeira, tudo aponta para que a região seria já povoada em tempos pré-históricos e que o local onde hoje se ergue a cidade teria sido, alguns séculos antes da nossa era, uma importante povoação com o seu porto marítimo.

A primitiva povoação foi ocupada pelos Romanos que lhe deram o nome de Baltum, povo que introduziram uma organização administrativa centralizada, desenvolvendo uma intensa actividade agrícola e comercial, e construindo aquedutos, estradas e pontes das quais ainda hoje existem vestígios.

O topónimo Albufeira provém da denominação árabe "Al-Buhera", que significa "Castelo do Mar", o que poderá estar relacionado com a proximidade do oceano e / ou da lagoa que se formava na parte baixa da cidade.


Albufeira’s origins are unknown, but all evidence leads one to believe that the region was already inhabited during prehistoric times and the location where the city stands today was at one time, a few centuries prior to our day, an important settlement with its own harbour.

The primitive settlement was occupied by the Romans who named it Baltum. A central administrative organization was introduced and intense agricultural and commercial activities were developed. Aqueducts were built, as were roads and bridges which have left behind ruins that still stand to this day.

The name Albufeira is derived from the Arab name "Al-buhera" meaning "the Sea Castle" most probably due to the proximity of the sea and/or the lagoon which would form at the lower area of the settlement.

(Via C. M. Albufeira)


Pavillon Atlantique et Tour Vasco da Gama / Atlantic Pavillion and Vasco da Gama Tower

Monday, July 26, 2004



Mapa Algarve Localizada no centro do Algarve, na região mais a sul de Portugal, Albufeira é sede de concelho e pertence ao Distrito Administrativo de Faro de que dista 39Km.

Com uma área de 14.800 ha e uma população a rondar os 40 mil habitantes está dividida em cinco freguesias: Albufeira, Ferreiras, Guia, Olhos d'Água e Paderne.

A costa é de arribas recortada por praias de clima marcadamente mediterrânico: Verões quentes e secos e Invernos amenos, com uma pluviosidade reduzida, sobretudo entre os meses de Outubro a Março e com uma temperatura média anual a rondar os 17,5ºC.

O Turismo é a mais importante actividade do concelho de Albufeira. Nos anos 60 iniciou-se uma verdadeira expansão económica no Município. Com a chegada do turismo internacional, Albufeira passou a fazer parte dos principais roteiros turísticos. Actualmente Albufeira é, sem margem de dúvida, um dos principais centros turísticos do país.

Geograficamente, a região dispõe de uma costa de 30 km distribuídos 23 praias de areia fina e a água cristalina. A zona é a nível nacional, uma das de maior concentração de bandeiras azuis (símbolo europeu da qualidade das praias).Paralelamente ao turismo, foram criados outros serviços. A restauração e os bares expandiram-se um pouco por todo o concelho. A animação nocturna é das mais badaladas em todo o Algarve.


Mapa Região Albufeira

Située au centre de l'Algarve, Albufeira est la station balnéaire la plus célèbre et la plus populaire du Portugal. Les Rolling Stones venaient déjà à Albufeira avant qu'elle ne soit connue des touristes. Leur cachette favorite devint vite célèbre pour sa convivialité, ses plages de sable blanc et son temps superbe.

Le résultat de cette vague de tourisme est que cet ancien village de pêcheurs s'est développé depuis 1960 pour devenir une station balnéaire très populaire avec, pendant les vacances plus de 12 000 résidents. Le centre de la ville change d'aspect quand le soleil se couche. De nombreux bars, restaurants et clubs se remplissent de touristes et les rues sont pleines de monde.

D'Est en Ouest, de part et d 'autre de la ville, de belles plages s'offrent aux baigneurs: Falésia, Olhos d'Água, Maria Luísa, Balaia, Oura, São Rafael, Castelo et Galé.

Culturellement Albufeira présente un intérêt certain aux amateurs d'art. Il y a un petit musée de céramiques Ming des 15ème et 17ème siècle et une galerie d'art qui tient des expositions régulières durant la saison d'été. Enfin il y a le musée Virtual Arqueologico.

Il y a une nouvelle marina à l'ouest de la ville qui montre un aspect différent et très attractif.

Après la plage vous aurez envie de manger, sortir. Dès que vous soyez à Albufeira, vous ne serez jamais loin des restaurants, bars, de l'animation! Albufeira est célèbre pour sa vie nocturne.


Couvent de Mafra / Mafra Convent - Mafra

Sunday, July 25, 2004



Saturday, July 24, 2004



Friday, July 23, 2004


BL&C - MAZARS Portugal - Strasbourg-Volley



Faro : la capitale de l'Algarve - Faro reçoit le statut de ville en 1540, puis accueille l'évêché en 1577, jusque-là situé à Silves : ces deux dates sont particulièrement importantes dans l'histoire de Faro et de la région entière. Le développement de la ville et son importance dans le contexte régional a justifié, au moment de la réorganisation administrative de la région au XIXe siècle, qu'elle soit choisie comme capitale de la région de l'Algarve.

De nos jours - Suite à l'ouverture de l'aéroport international en 1965, Faro a eu pour rôle de répartir le trafic touristique dans toute la région. La création de l'université de l'Algarve, d'un conservatoire régional et d'un hôpital ont réhaussé le profil de la région.


Faro - Algarve capital - The elevation to city status in 1540, and the transfer, in 1577, of the bishopric, until then located in Silves, were important moments in the history of Faro and the whole region. The growth of the city and its importance in the regional context justified, at the time of the administrative reorganisation of the region in the 19th century, its choice as capital of the Algarve province.

Modern day - The opening of the international airport in 1965, gave Faro the role of distributing tourist traffic throughout the whole region. The creation of Algarve University and a regional conservatory and a hospital have enhanced the region.

(Via Page Officiel de l'EURO 2004 / Official Page of the EURO 2004)

Thursday, July 22, 2004



Les Maures - Les Maures ont appelé cette région "Al Gharb" - "Le pays de l'ouest" - et on peut encore trouver quantité de vestiges de leurs 500 années d'occupation de la région, avant qu'ils n'aient été chassés en 1249. Faro, capitale de l'Algarve, est particulièrement connue pour son aspect maure, bien que les murs de la ville - construits en 1249 par le roi Alfonso III - soient tout aussi célèbres.

Un château majestueux - Située dans les montagnes, Loulé est tout aussi spectaculaire, dominée par les trois tours majestueuses et le donjon de son château. Pris en 1249 par les Chevaliers de l'Ordre de Saint Jacques, le château servait de refuge au maître de l'Ordre, D. Paio Peres Correia, qui attendait que le roi Alfonso III le rejoigne dans la conquête de Faro. En tant que région du royaume du Portugal dorénavant indépendant, l'Algarve devait jouer un rôle important dans les voyages d'exploration portugais.


Moorish invaders - The Moors named the region 'Al Gharb' - 'The Country of the West' - and there is plenty of surviving evidence of their 500-year residence in the region before they were driven out in 1249. Faro, the capital of Algarve, is particularly famous for its Moorish look, as are the city walls - built in 1249 by King Alfonso III.

Majestic castle - Up in the mountains, Loulé is every bit as dramatic, dominated as it is by the three majestic towers and the keep of Loulé castle. Taken in 1249 by the Knights of the Order of Santiago, the castle was a refuge for the Master of the Order, D. Paio Peres Correia, who waited there for King Alfonso III to arrive and join him in the conquest of Faro. As part of the newly independent kingdom of Portugal, the Algarve was to play an important part in the Portuguese voyages of discovery.

(Via Page Officiel de l'EURO 2004 / Official Page of the EURO 2004)


Marquis de Pombal - Lisboa

Wednesday, July 21, 2004



Les Phéniciens étaient probablement les premiers à se rendre en Algarve, et se seraient installés dans la région 1 000 ans avant la naissance du Christ.

Comptoirs commerciaux - Les comptoirs commerciaux près des villes actuelles de Faro et de Loulé étaient parmi ceux qui se trouvaient le plus à l'ouest de la civilisation africaine, et l'économie régionale florissante est sans doute due à la décision des Carthaginois de s'emparer de l'Algarve. Les Romains ont bientôt pris possession de la région, mais lorsque leur empire s'est effondré, les Wisigoths ont pu piller la région à la fin du Ve siècle, avant d'être remplacés par les Maures, qui ont commencé leur invasion dans le sud en 711.


The Phoenicians were probably the first visitors to the Algarve, and were said to have settled in the region 1,000 years before the birth of Christ.

Trading posts near the current settlements of Faro and Loulé marked some of the African civilisation's most westerly points, and the thriving regional economy may have had something to do with the Carthaginians' decision to take the Algarve for their own. The Romans soon took over the region, but as their empire collapsed, Visigoths rampaged into the area at the end of the fifth century, only to be replaced by Moorish invaders from the south in 711.

(Via Page Officiel de l'EURO 2004 / Official Page of the EURO 2004)


Pont 25 avril et Christ-Roi / 25 April Bridge and Christ - Lisboa

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Mapa Portugal



Parc des Nations / Nations Park (EXPO'98)- Lisboa

Monday, July 19, 2004

MAZARIADES 1998 - 2003

                     Football        Voleyball
1998 - Lyon             

1999 - Colchester       
2000 - La Manga         Itália            Itália
2001 - Roma                         Itália
2002 - Arnhem           Holanda            Holanda
2003 - Strasbourg                   


BL&C (Mazars Portugal) - Strasbourg (2003) - Football Team



Vainqueur / Winner (Football) - Angleterre (Londres) / England (London)

Finaliste / Runner up (Football) - Pays Bas / Netherlands

Vainqueur / Winner (Volleyball) - R. Tchèque / Czech Republic


Tour de Belém / Belem Tower - Lisboa

Tour de Belém / Belem Tower

Sunday, July 18, 2004

